Generate backlinks – the best methods

There are good reasons in favor of active link building: Hardly any visitor simply “strays” onto a website. Without traffic, there can be no sales. It can take several months for an article to generate the first backlink. To speed up the process, you can do link building. But caution is advised: Google punishes old methods with a penalty. This guide will help you get new backlinks without a Google Penalty.

Generating backlinks – Basics of link building

The SEO field is constantly changing. A few years ago, you could buy multiple backlinks through a link exchange and enjoy Google Page 1. Today such methods are an absolute traffic killer. The search engines recognize such websites and penalize them with a poor ranking. Link building has gotten smarter over the years. The following 3 tips will help you to become known online.

Blog as a traffic source

A blog contains important content that you can link to. Until then, you should help a little. Above all, checklists and guides are well received by the target audience.
In the long run, great articles will automatically give you backlinks. It is important that the content is still up-to-date in 3 years. Another approach is to publish breaking news. Comment on an event and share the link on social media. Ideally, other people will share your article or incorporate it into their own blog.

Backlinks = Interaction

The more you interact with your target group, the higher the number of possible backlinks. Establish yourself as an expert, be it in a forum or with a YouTube channel.
It’s not about flooding someone else’s forum with backlinks. This is not well received by Google or by human users. Put a link where it is thematically appropriate and really helpful. This can be a review of a product that you sell on your website. With a little skill, a scientifically based article can be incorporated as a source for Wikipedia.

Tip: What are the concerns and problems of your target group? You can find the answer in the appropriate forums. Write a suitable article for each question that comes up frequently. In the future you can link the post again and again. You can also distribute such backlinks in question portals such as

Build networks

In the past, the number of backlinks was of great importance. That has changed, because today it depends on the quality of the linking websites. Avoid backlinks from off-topic sites. You are harming yourself, because Google immediately recognizes this as an artificial SEO measure. Post a comment on a thematically relevant blog. At the beginning you should not set a link, but provide useful content. This way you can build an active partnership and later ask for a guest article.

Blog parades are particularly popular. Here you determine a topic and request a backlink to your website for participation. Write to important bloggers and draw their attention to your event. After the parade, you summarize all the articles in an e-book that you make available to the participants. As a rule, the foreign bloggers will market their post on Facebook and Co., which means additional backlinks and high traffic for you.

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